
ajaxify8.3.0Ajaxify your site out of the box, instantly
angular-chosen-localytics1.9.3Angular Chosen directive is an AngularJS Directive that brings the Chosen jQuery in a Angular way
angular-ui-calendar1.0.0A complete AngularJS directive for the Arshaw FullCalendar.
angular-ui-router-title0.1.1AngularJS module for updating browser title/history based on the current ui-router state.
angular-ui-router.statehelper1.3.1A helper module for AngularUI Router, which allows you to define your states as an object tree.
angular-ui-router1.1.1State-based routing for AngularJS
angular-ui-select0.19.8AngularJS ui-select
angular-ui-sortable0.19.0This directive allows you to jQueryUI Sortable.
antd-mobile5.37.1A configurable Mobile UI specification and React-based implementation.
antd5.21.5An UI design language
anyjs1.0.6It's a library which improve JS UI-development.
autosize.js6.0.1Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit text.
avgrund0.1.0A JS/CSS3 modal UI concept
blaze5.0.0Open Source CSS Framework
bootflat2.0.4BOOTFLAT is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap 3.2.0 CSS framework. It provides a faster, easier and less repetitive way for web developers to create elegant web apps.
bootstrap-autohidingnavbar4.0.0An extension for Bootstrap's fixed navbar which hides the navbar while the page is scrolling downwards and shows it the other way. The plugin is able to show/hide the navbar programmatically as well.
botui0.3.9A JS library to build the UI for your bot
bPopup0.11.0 bPopup is a lightweight jQuery modal popup plugin. It doesn't create or style your popup but provides you with all the logic like centering, modal overlay, events and more. It gives you a lot of opportunities to customize so it will fit your needs.
chosen1.8.7Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes select boxes user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors.
clarity-icons0.10.28Custom Element Icons for Clarity
clarity-ui0.10.28CSS for Clarity
dat-gui0.7.9A lightweight graphical user interface for changing variables in JavaScript.
datepair.js0.4.17A javascript plugin for intelligently selecting date and time ranges inspired by Google Calendar.
df-number-format2.1.6Easily format numbers for display use. Replace numbers inline in a document, or return a formatted number for other uses. Even enables seamless number formatting in input fields as-you-type. Currency formatting is easy too—simply add a currency placeholder in the label of your form element, and set the appropriate format.
dna.js1.9.5An uncomplicated user interface library
doony2.1UI Improvements for Jenkins
elemental0.5.3React UI Framework
equalize.js1.0.2The jQuery plugin for equalizing the height or width of your elements
featherlight1.7.13Featherlight is a very lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin. It's simple yet flexible and easy to use. Featherlight has minimal css and uses no inline styles, everything is name-spaced, it's completely customizable via configuration object and offers image, ajax and iframe support out of the box. Featherlights small footprint weights less than 4kB – in total.
flat-ui2.3.0Flat UI Free is a beautiful theme for Bootstrap. We have redesigned many of its components to look flat in every pixel
fotorama4.6.4A simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery.
gibon0.4.1Functional client-side router in ~570 bytes, built on HTML5 History API
hack0.8.1Dead simple CSS framework.
handsontable14.6.1Spreadsheet-like data grid editor that provides copy/paste functionality compatible with Excel/Google Docs
heapbox0.9.4Customizable replacement for html select (not only) with events, callbacks, themes and much more.
highchartTable2.0.0This jQuery plugin provides a simple way to convert HTML data tables to Highcharts graphs.
hint.css3.0.0A tooltip library in CSS for your lovely websites.
html5tooltipsjs1.7.3Tooltips with smooth 3D animation.
iCheck1.0.3Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery and Zepto). Features: identical inputs across different browsers and devices (both desktop and mobile), touch devices support (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Amazon Kindle), keyboard accessible inputs (Tab, Spacebar, Arrow up/down and other shortcuts), screenreader accessible inputs — (ARIA attributes for VoiceOver and others), customization freedom (use any HTML and CSS to style inputs or try 6 Retina-ready skins), lightweight size (1 kb gzipped). Provides 32 options to customize checkboxes and radio buttons, 11 callbacks to handle changes, 9 methods to make changes programmatically. Saves changes to original inputs, works carefully with any selectors.
icono1.3.0Pure CSS Icons
infamous21.2.0A famo.us UI library.
infieldLabel1.1.0A jQuery plugin that creates a compact, text-over-input, form layout while using semabtic HTML and preserving usability and accessibility.
ink3.1.10SAPO InK - Interface Toolkit
ion-rangeslider2.3.1Cool, comfortable and easily customizable range slider with many options and skin support
ion-sound3.0.7JavaScript plugin for playing sounds and music in web
ion.calendar2.0.2jQuery-calendar and datepicker, based on powerful library to work with time - Moment.js
ion.checkradio2.0.0jQuery plugin for styling checkboxes and radio-buttons. With skin support
iview3.5.4A high quality UI components Library with Vue.js
iviewer0.7.11jQuery.iviewer is an jQuery UI widget responsible for image view control with zoom control and a possibility to move image in area by the mouse.
jBox1.3.3jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin, taking care of all your popup windows, tooltips, notices and more.
jQRangeSlider5.8.3A javascript slider selector that supports dates
jquery-countdown2.1.0Countdown for jQuery.
jquery-infinitescroll4.0.1Infinite Scroll is a JavaScript plugin that automatically adds the next page, saving users from a full page load.
jquery-jkit1.1.8A very easy to use, cross platform, jQuery based UI toolkit, that's still small in size, has the features you need, and doesn't get in your way of doing things!
jquery-layout1.4.3jQuery plugin for layout management (jQuery version of extJS border-layout).
jquery-nstslider1.0.13Fully customizable with CSS, Single/Double handles, Touch-enabled, IE 7+ Compatibility, Custom Digit Rounding, Non linear step increments!
jQuery-slimScroll1.3.8slimScroll is a small jQuery plugin that transforms any div into a scrollable area. slimScroll doesn't occupy any visual space as it only appears on a user initiated mouse-over.
jquery-timepicker1.14.1A jQuery timepicker plugin inspired by Google Calendar. It supports both mouse and keyboard navigation.
jquery-tools1.2.7jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user-interface components for modern websites. Used by large sites all over the world.
jquery-treetable3.2.0jQuery plugin for displaying a tree structure in a (HTML) table, i.e. a directory structure or a nested list.
jQuery-ui-Slider-Pips1.11.5A plugin to add little "pips" to the jQuery UI Slider widget
jquery-visible1.2.0Quickly check if an element is within the browsers visible viewport, regardless of scroll position. If a user can see this element, the function will return true.
jquery-zoom1.7.21Enlarge images on click or mouseover.
jquery.avgrund1.3.3Avgrund is a jquery plugin for modal boxes and popups. It uses new concept showing depth between popup and page. It works in all modern browsers and gracefully degrade in those that do not support CSS transitions and transformations
jquery.colorbox1.6.4jQuery lightbox and modal window plugin.
jquery.dirtyforms.dialogs.jquery-ui2.0.0Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms.
jquery.googlemap1.5.1A jQuery Plugin allows you to easely manipulate the Google Map API. You are now able to create maps, add some markers and create routes.
jquery.gridster0.5.6a drag-and-drop multi-column jQuery grid plugin
jQuery.my1.2.14A lightweight jQuery plugin for complex two-way data binding in real time.
jquery.ns-autogrow1.1.6Automatically adjust textarea height based on user input. Non-sucking version.
jquery.smartmenus1.2.1Advanced jQuery website menu plugin. Mobile first, responsive and accessible list-based website menus that work on all devices.
jquery.spritely0.6.8Create dynamic characters and background animations.
jquery.terminal2.44.1jQuery Terminal Emulator is a plugin for creating command line interpreters in your applications.
jqueryui1.14.0A curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.
jspanel33.11.3A jQuery Plugin to create highly configurable multifunctional floating panels
kendo-ui-core2014.1.416Kendo UI is everything you need to build sites and apps with HTML5 & JavaScript & Kendo UI Core is the free and open-source version of Kendo UI that provides access to the web's best UI widgets and key framework features essential for developing great experiences for the web and mobile.
knockback-core-stack0.17.2Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections
knockback1.2.3Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections
knockout-sortable1.2.0A Knockout.js binding to connect observableArrays with jQuery UI sortable functionality
knockout-validation2.0.4A KnockoutJS Plugin for model and property validation
knockout.mapping2.4.1Object mapping plugin for Knockout
knockout3.5.1Knockout makes it easier to create rich, responsive UIs with JavaScript
list.js2.3.1The perfect library for adding search, sort, filters and flexibility to tables, lists and various HTML elements. Built to be invisible and work on existing HTML
list.pagination.js0.1.1A pagination plugin for List.js
magnific-popup.js1.2.0Lightbox and modal dialog plugin. Can display inline HTML, iframes (YouTube video, Vimeo, Google Maps), or an image gallery. Animation effects are added with CSS3 transitions. For jQuery or Zepto.
miniTip1.5.3Ultra lightweight jQuery tooltip plugin.
monkberry4.0.8Monkberry is a JavaScript library for building web user interfaces
ng-knob0.1.3Angular.js Knob directive
ng-slider2.2.6AngularJS directive slider control.
ninjaui1.0.1the jQuery plugin for lethal interaction
oojs-ui0.51.1User interface classes built on the OOjs framework.
PgwSlider2.3.0Responsive and lightweight Slider plugin for jQuery / Zepto
popmotion11.0.5The JavaScript motion engine. Handles animation, physics, and input tracking.
pqGrid3.5.1Data grid inspired by MS Excel, provides sorting, filtering, paging, grouping, nesting, rows and cell selections, frozen rows, frozen columns, Add, delete, update, search, can display HTML, JSON, Array, XML, inline editing, validations, virtual rendering, virtual scrolling, cross browser, cross platform, Themeroller ready with 24 ready to use themes.
prelodr2.1.1A simple Material preloader inspired in Google Inbox
primeui4.1.15PrimeUI PrimeUI is a collection of rich javascript widgets and web components based on jQuery UI API
ractive1.4.4Next-generation DOM manipulation
react-block-ui1.3.6Block UI for react
react-motion-ui-pack0.10.3Addon component wrappers for common UI transitions.
react-motion0.5.2A spring that solves your animation problems.
react-select5.8.1A Select control built with and for ReactJS
reactstrap9.1.6React Bootstrap 4 components
readremaining.js1.0.1A jQuery plugin that allows you to show the user, how long will take to read the article taking in consideration the speed in which he is scrolling.
redom4.1.5RE:DOM – Tiny UI library
remodal1.1.1Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking.
rivets0.9.6Declarative data binding + templating solution.
roll0.1.2A simple library to track scroll movements.
sceditor3.2.0A lightweight HTML and BBCode WYSIWYG editor.
scriptaculous1.9.0script.aculo.us provides you with easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly.
scrollprogress3.0.2Small library that creates a progress bar that indicates how much you've scrolled on a website
select-or-die0.1.8Yet another jQuery plugin to style/replace select elements.
select24.0.13Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
selectize.js0.15.2Selectize is a jQuery-based custom
semantic-ui2.5.0Semantic empowers designers and developers by creating a shared vocabulary for UI.
sevenSeg.js0.2.0sevenSeg.js is a jQueryUI plugin for creating vector-based (SVG) seven-segment displays. Bindings for Knockout included!
simple-hint3.0.0CSS-only tooltip packed with a variety of features.
simpleui0.1.1A simple UI framework for building simple web projects.
spectrum-i18n1.3.0Spectrum: the no hassle jQuery colorpicker
spectrum1.8.1Spectrum: the no hassle jQuery colorpicker
SpeechKITT1.0.0A flexible GUI for interacting with Speech Recognition
spinkit2.0.1A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
sticky-kit1.1.3A jQuery plugin for creating smart sticky elements
tag-editor1.0.20A powerful and lightweight tag editor plugin for jQuery.
timecircles1.5.3TimeCircles is a jQuery plugin that provides a nice looking way to either count down towards a certain time, or to count up from a certain time. The goal for TimeCircles is to provide a simple yet dynamic tool that makes it very easy to provide visitors an attractive countdown or timer.
tocas-ui5.0.1A CSS3 UI library with the meaningful naming convention.
tuesday1.2.3A quirky CSS Animation Library by Shakr.
velocity2.0.6Accelerated JavaScript animation.
vide0.5.1Easy as hell jQuery plugin for video backgrounds.
virtual-keyboard1.30.4Virtual Keyboard using jQuery UI
webfont1.6.28Web Font Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face.
webshim1.16.0modular capability-based polyfill loading libary, which extends jQuery with HTML5 features in legacy browsers
yui3.18.1YUI 3 Source
Zebra_datepicker2.0.0A super-lightweight, highly configurable, cross-browser date picker jQuery plugin
zoomooz1.1.6Zoomooz is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making any web page element zoom.
zTree.v33.5.42jquery tree plugin
tui-editor1.4.10GFM Markdown Wysiwyg Editor - Productive and Extensible
webkul-micron1.1.6a microInteraction library built with CSS Animations and driven by JavaScript Power
fomantic-ui2.9.3Community fork of the popular Semantic-UI framework
nightly.js2.0.1A zero dependency javascript library that enables the night mode in your website easily
layui2.9.18Classic modular front-end component library
blueprintjs-core5.13.1A React UI toolkit for the web.
ant-design-vue4.2.5An enterprise-class UI design language and Vue-based implementation
primeng17.18.11PrimeNG is a collection of rich UI components for Angular 2
view-design4.7.0A high quality UI components Library with Vue.js
shards-ui3.0.0A free, modern and lightweight Bootstrap 4 UI toolkit for web makers.
devextreme24.1.6HTML5 JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development
selection-js2.1.1Simple, lightweight and modern library library for making visual DOM Selections.
ui.multiselect0.3.1Another attempt of a sortable, searchable multiple select widget
xel0.28.13Widget toolkit for building native-like Electron, NW.js and Chrome apps
angular-ui-switch0.1.1iOS 7 style switch directive for AngularJS
jqwidgets20.0.0jQWidgets is an advanced jQuery, Angular, React, ASP .NET MVC, Custom Elements and HTML5 UI framework.
bootstrap-dropdown-hover4.2.0Open Bootstrap dropdown menus on mouse hover, the proper way. Compatible with Bootstrap 3 & 4.
zebra_dialog3.1.0A small, compact, and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery meant to replace JavaScript's native alert and confirmation windows
vant4.9.8Lightweight Mobile UI Components built on Vue
tom-select2.3.1Tom Select is a versatile and dynamic
creativecommons-vocabulary2020.11.3A cohesive design system to unite the web facing Creative Commons
daisyui4.12.13Tailwind CSS Components
vscode-webview-ui-toolkit1.4.0A component library for building webview-based extensions in Visual Studio Code.
vkui6.7.2VKUI library
tocas5.0.1The fastest and most intuitive way to build diverse websites and progressive web application interfaces.
bulma-tooltip1.2.0Display a tooltip attached to any kind of element, in different position.
timepicker-ui2.6.1timepicker-ui is an easy library with timepicker. Created with TypeScript based on Material Design from Google.
bell-ui0.33.0UI component library for yox.js
smartwizard6.0.6jQuery Smart Wizard
equalizer.js1.01A vanilla JavaScript plugin for equalizing the height of elements
naive-ui2.40.1A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete, Theme Customizable, Uses TypeScript, Fast
undraw-ui1.2.3Undraw UI - A Vue.js 3 UI library
devextreme-dist24.1.6HTML5 JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development
svelte-range-slider-pips3.1.1Multi-Thumb, Accessible, Beautiful Range Slider with Pips
view-ui-plus1.3.19An enterprise-level UI component library and front-end solution based on Vue.js 3
style-forge.colors1.3.1Style-Forge.Colors: customizable color palettes for consistent, visually appealing web designs.
style-forge.themes1.1.5Style-Forge.Themes: powerful tool for managing and applying customizable themes in web applications.
descope-access-key-management-widget0.1.126Descope Access Key Management Widget
descope-audit-management-widget0.1.90Descope Audit Management Widget
descope-role-management-widget0.1.124Descope Role Management Widget
descope-user-management-widget0.4.127Descope User Management Widget
descope-user-profile-widget0.0.109Descope User Profile Widget