
admin-lte3.2.0Admin dashboard and control panel template
clientside-haml-js5.4Haml compiler for client side javascript and coffeescript view templates
dna.js1.9.5An uncomplicated user interface library
dot1.1.3Concise and fast javascript templating compatible with nodejs and other javascript environments
dustjs-helpers1.7.4Helpers for dustjs-linkedin
dustjs-linkedin3.0.1Asynchronous templates for the browser and server (LinkedIn fork)
ef.js0.17.4(maybe) An elegant HTML template engine & basic framework
emblem0.12.0Templating language targeting Handlebars with default Ember.js conventions
gentelella1.4.0Gentellela Admin is a free to use Bootstrap admin template
gojs3.0.8Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
grapesjs0.21.12Free and Open Source Web Builder Framework
handlebars.js4.7.8Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
hogan.js3.0.2A mustache compiler.
jade1.11.0A clean, whitespace-sensitive template language for writing HTML
js-skeleton3.6.3Rendering lists made as easy as pushing to an array
jsrender1.0.15Best-of-breed templating in browser or on Node.js (with Express 4, Hapi and Browserify integration)
jsviews1.0.15Next-generation MVVM and MVP framework - built on top of JsRender templates. Bringing templates to life...
juicer0.6.15a high-performance lightweight javascript template engine
kiwi0.2.1Simple, modular, fast and lightweight template engine, based on jQuery templates syntax.
micromustache8.0.1A faster and smaller subimplementation of the {{mustache}} template engine for JavaScript
monkberry4.0.8Monkberry is a JavaScript library for building web user interfaces
mustache.js4.2.0Logic-less {{mustache}} templates with JavaScript
nunjucks3.2.4A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)
nviewjs1.0.3View template engine.
ractive.js0.3.7Next-generation DOM manipulation
requirejs-handlebars0.0.2RequireJS Handlebars template plugin
requirejs-mustache0.0.2A RequireJS/AMD loader plugin for Mustache.js micro-templates
requirejs-tpl0.0.2RequireJS UnderscoreJS template plugin
riot9.2.2A React-like user interface micro-library
Selectivity.js3.0.6Modular and light-weight selection library for jQuery and Zepto.js.
swig1.4.2A simple, powerful, and extendable templating engine for node.js and browsers, similar to Django, Jinja2, and Twig.
template_js0.8.0template.js simple and easy to use javascript template.
template71.4.1Mobile-first HTML template engine
transparency0.11.0Transparency is a minimal template engine for browsers. It maps JSON objects to DOM elements with zero configuration.
twig.js1.17.1JS port of the Twig templating language.
rssi0.0.7Ruby-like simple string interpolation
art-template4.13.2JavaScript Template Engine
ejsEmbedded JavaScript templates
hyperHtml2.34.2A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative
startbootstrap-sb-admin5.1.1A one page app landing page HTML theme for Bootstrap.
xlsx-populate1.21.0Excel XLSX parser/generator written in JavaScript with Node.js and browser support, jQuery/d3-style method chaining, and a focus on keeping existing workbook features and styles in tact.
jstreemap1.28.2Library of associative containers; it implements TreeMap, TreeSet, TreeMultiMap and TreeMultiSet classes
docsify-darklight-theme3.2.0Enables dark and light mode for docsify sites with switch
bootstrap-invoice1.0.0Invoices Templates built with Bootstrap 5. Various examples like Simple invoice, company invoice, invoice with images and many more.
bootstrap-jumbotron1.0.0Responsive Jumbotron built with Bootstrap 5. Examples of classic hero component, with background image, with navbar and many other combinations.
bootstrap-login-form1.0.0Responsive Login form built with Bootstrap 5. Lot of templates of signup forms and predefined form pages - various design, styles and functionalities.
bootstrap-media-object1.0.0Responsive Media objects built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Dedicated for highly repetitive components like blog comments, tweets, and the like.
webcomponents-template-polyfill1.5.1HTML template element polyfill.
bootstrap-logo1.0.1Responsive Logo built with Bootstrap 5. Navbar with logo, logo centered in Navbar, logo above the navbar, logo carousel & more.
bootstrap-popup1.0.1Responsive Popup built with Bootstrap 5. Examples include modal popup, popup box, notification message popup, alert popup, lightbox popup & popup form.
bootstrap-dropdown-on-hover1.0.0Responsive Dropdown on hover built with Bootstrap 5. Example of how to make dropdown expand when you hover over it.
twing7.0.0First-class JavaScript Twig compiler