
backbone.radio2.0.0Messaging patterns for Backbone applications.
easyXDM2.4.20A javascript library providing cross-browser, cross-site messaging/method invocation.
hydna1.0.1A multi-transport Hydna client library with support for WebSockets, Flash and Comet
js-signals1.0.0Custom Event/Messaging System
jschannel1.0.0-git-commit1-8c4f7ebJSChannel is a small JavaScript abstraction layer on top of HTML5 cross-document messaging. It builds rich messaging semantics out of window.postMessage().
msngr7.0.0An asynchronous messaging library, written in JavaScript, for node and browser use
openajax-hub2.0.7The central feature of the OpenAjax Hub is its publish/subscribe event manager (the "pub/sub manager"), which enables loose assembly and integration of Ajax components. With the pub/sub manager, one Ajax component can publish (i.e., broadcast) an event to which other Ajax components can subscribe, thereby allowing these components to communicate with each other through the Hub, which acts as an intermediary message bus.
postal.js2.0.6Pub/Sub library providing wildcard subscriptions, complex message handling, etc. Works server and client-side.
pubnub3.7.7PubNub, a new kind of Cloud-Hosted Broadcasting Service for Mass Communication.
stomp.js2.3.3STOMP for JavaScript apps (Web browser & node.js)
ably1.2.22Realtime client library for Ably, the realtime messaging service