angular-filter | 0.5.17 | Bunch of useful filters for angularJS(with no external dependencies!) |
angular-linkify | 2.0.0 | Angular filter to linkify urls, "@" usernames, and hashtags. |
angular-toarrayfilter | 1.0.3 | An angular filter to convert objects to arrays for easy filtering and sorting |
angular-truncate | 0.1.2 | Angular Truncate - Ellipsis for your templates |
backbone.obscura | 0.1.6 | A read-only proxy of a Backbone.Collection that can easily be filtered, sorted, and paginated. |
backbone.routefilter | 0.2.0 | Before and after filters for Backbone.Router. |
camanjs | 4.1.2 | Javascript (Ca)nvas (Man)ipulation for NodeJS and the browser |
cloudinary-core | 2.13.1 | Cloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary streamlines your web application’s image manipulation needs. Cloudinary's cloud-based servers automate image uploading, resizing, cropping, optimizing, sprite generation and more. |
cloudinary-jquery-file-upload | 2.13.1 | Cloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary streamlines your web application’s image manipulation needs. Cloudinary's cloud-based servers automate image uploading, resizing, cropping, optimizing, sprite generation and more. Cloudinary's jQuery File Upload plugin allows direct uploading from the browser to the cloud and dynamic cloud-based image transformations and effects. |
collect.js | 4.36.1 | Convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects. |
cssco | 1.0.0 | Photographic filters made with CSS, inpsired by VSCO and CSSgram. |
datatables-colvis | 1.1.2 | ColVis adds a button to the toolbars around DataTables which gives the end user of the table the ability to dynamically change the visibility of the columns in the table |
datatables-fixedheader | 4.0.1 | The FixedHeader plug-in will freeze in place the header, footer and left and/or right most columns in a DataTable, ensuring that title information will remain always visible. |
datatables-tabletools | 2.1.5 | TableTools is a plug-in for the DataTables HTML table enhancer, which adds a highly customisable button toolbar to a DataTable. |
datatables | 1.10.21 | DataTables enhances HTML tables with the ability to sort, filter and page the data in the table very easily. It provides a comprehensive API and set of configuration options, allowing you to consume data from virtually any data source. |
dompurify | 3.1.6 | DOMPurify is a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. It's written in JavaScript and works in all modern browsers (Safari, Opera (15+), Internet Explorer (10+), Firefox and Chrome - as well as almost anything else using Blink or WebKit). DOMPurify is written by security people who have vast background in web attacks and XSS. Fear not. |
filter.js | 1.5.2 | A javascript library for filtering json object and rendering html |
filterizr | 2.2.4 | Filterizr is a jQuery plugin that sorts, shuffles, searches and applies stunning filters over responsive galleries using CSS3 transitions and custom CSS effects |
holmes.js | 1.17.3 | Fast and easy searching inside a page. |
ionic-filter-bar | 1.1.1 | A filter directive UI for Ionic apps that animates over the header bar |
jplist | 5.2.0 | jPList - jQuery Data Grid Controls is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc) |
jquery-autotab | 1.9.2 | A jQuery plugin that provides auto-tabbing and filtering on text fields in a form |
jquery-overlaps | 1.2.3 | A jQuery plugin that detects if one or more elements are overlapping. |
jquery-searcher | 0.3.0 | Connects any list-like data with an input for searching. |
js-xss | 0.3.3 | Sanitize untrusted HTML (to prevent XSS) with a configuration specified by a Whitelist |
json-mask | 2.0.0 | Tiny language and engine for selecting specific parts of a JS object, hiding the rest. |
mixitup | 3.3.1 | A CSS3 and jQuery Filter & Sort Plugin |
muuri | 0.9.5 | Responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable layouts |
ng-currency | 1.2.9 | Directive that works in conjunction with currency filter. |
pixi-filters | 1.0.8 | Optional display filters to work with Pixi.js |
pqGrid | 3.5.1 | Data grid inspired by MS Excel, provides sorting, filtering, paging, grouping, nesting, rows and cell selections, frozen rows, frozen columns, Add, delete, update, search, can display HTML, JSON, Array, XML, inline editing, validations, virtual rendering, virtual scrolling, cross browser, cross platform, Themeroller ready with 24 ready to use themes. |
Shuffle | 6.1.0 | Categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items |
sifter | 0.5.4 | A library for textually searching arrays and hashes of objects by property (or multiple properties). Designed specifically for autocomplete. |
svg.filter.js | 2.0.2 | A plugin for svg.js adding filter functionality |
tablefilter | 2.5.0 | HTML Table Filter Script |
Vague.js | 0.0.6 | Vague.js is an experimental script that allows you to blur any kind of html element thanks to the SVG filters |
vue-filter | 0.2.5 | A plugin for Vue.js. It can enhance vue filter system. |
yadcf | 0.9.6 | This jQuery plug-in allows the user to easily add filter components to table columns, the plug-in works on top of the DataTables jQuery plug-in. |
redux-search | 2.5.0 | Redux bindings for client-side search |
gridjs | 6.2.0 | Grid.js is a Free and open-source HTML table plugin written in TypeScript. It works with most JavaScript frameworks, including React, Angular, Vue and VanillaJs. |
fuzzysort | 3.0.2 | Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript |
jQuery-QueryBuilder | 3.0.0 | jQuery plugin for user friendly query/filter creator |
cloudinary-jquery | 2.13.1 | Cloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary streamlines your web application’s image manipulation needs. Cloudinary's cloud-based servers automate image uploading, resizing, cropping, optimizing, sprite generation and more. | | 3.2.2 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Bootstrap 4]( | | 2.1.6 | DataTables for jQuery | | 2.1.6 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Bootstrap 3]( | | 2.1.6 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Semantic UI]( | | 2.1.6 | DataTables for jQuery | | 2.1.6 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [jQuery UI]( | | 2.3.2 | SearchPanes for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap]( | | 2.1.6 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Zurb Foundation]( | | 2.1.6 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Bootstrap 5]( | | 2.3.2 | SearchPanes for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap]( |
vue-moment | 4.1.0 | Handy Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project | | 2.3.2 | SearchPanes for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap]( |
ofilterjs | 1.0.7 | OfilterJs is a data object filter processor for Javascript, which provides simpler, more convenient and more efficient data operations for development. |
simple-datatables | 9.1.0 | DataTables but in TypeScript transpiled to Vanilla JS |