esri-leaflet-renderers3.0.1esri-leaflet plugin for rendering
esri-leaflet3.0.12Leaflet plugins for consuming ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Server services.
geoext1.1GeoExt brings together the geospatial know how of OpenLayers with the user interface savvy of Ext JS to help you build powerful desktop style GIS apps on the web with JavaScript.
geojs1.12.0JavaScript Geo visualization and Analysis Library
leaflet.heat0.2.0A tiny and fast Leaflet heatmap plugin.
leaflet.markercluster1.5.3Provides Beautiful Animated Marker Clustering functionality for Leaflet
Turf.js6.5.0a node.js library for performing geospatial operations with geojson
maptalks0.49.5A light JavaScript library to create integrated 2D/3D maps.
leaflet-search4.0.0Leaflet Control for searching markers/features by attribute on map or remote searching in jsonp/ajax
vue-cesium3.2.7Vue 3.x components for CesiumJS.